/* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Yusuke Suzuki Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Seville Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * Escope (escope) is an ECMAScript * scope analyzer extracted from the esmangle project. *

* escope finds lexical scopes in a source program, i.e. areas of that * program where different occurrences of the same identifier refer to the same * variable. With each scope the contained variables are collected, and each * identifier reference in code is linked to its corresponding variable (if * possible). *

* escope works on a syntax tree of the parsed source code which has * to adhere to the * Mozilla Parser API. E.g. esprima is a parser * that produces such syntax trees. *

* The main interface is the {@link analyze} function. * @module */ /*jslint bitwise:true */ /*global exports:true, define:true, require:true*/ (function (factory, global) { 'use strict'; function namespace(str, obj) { var i, iz, names, name; names = str.split('.'); for (i = 0, iz = names.length; i < iz; ++i) { name = names[i]; if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) { obj = obj[name]; } else { obj = (obj[name] = {}); } } return obj; } // Universal Module Definition (UMD) to support AMD, CommonJS/Node.js, // and plain browser loading, if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('escope', ['exports', 'estraverse'], function (exports, estraverse) { factory(exports, global, estraverse); }); } else if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { factory(exports, global, require('./estraverse')); } else { factory(namespace('escope', global), global, global.estraverse); } }(function (exports, global, estraverse) { 'use strict'; var Syntax, Map, currentScope, globalScope, scopes, options; Syntax = estraverse.Syntax; if (typeof global.Map !== 'undefined') { // ES6 Map Map = global.Map; } else { Map = function Map() { this.__data = {}; }; Map.prototype.get = function MapGet(key) { key = '$' + key; if (this.__data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return this.__data[key]; } return undefined; }; Map.prototype.has = function MapHas(key) { key = '$' + key; return this.__data.hasOwnProperty(key); }; Map.prototype.set = function MapSet(key, val) { key = '$' + key; this.__data[key] = val; }; Map.prototype['delete'] = function MapDelete(key) { key = '$' + key; return delete this.__data[key]; }; } function assert(cond, text) { if (!cond) { throw new Error(text); } } function defaultOptions() { return { optimistic: false, directive: false }; } function updateDeeply(target, override) { var key, val; function isHashObject(target) { return typeof target === 'object' && target instanceof Object && !(target instanceof RegExp); } for (key in override) { if (override.hasOwnProperty(key)) { val = override[key]; if (isHashObject(val)) { if (isHashObject(target[key])) { updateDeeply(target[key], val); } else { target[key] = updateDeeply({}, val); } } else { target[key] = val; } } } return target; } /** * A Reference represents a single occurrence of an identifier in code. * @class Reference */ function Reference(ident, scope, flag, writeExpr, maybeImplicitGlobal) { /** * Identifier syntax node. * @member {esprima#Identifier} Reference#identifier */ this.identifier = ident; /** * Reference to the enclosing Scope. * @member {Scope} Reference#from */ this.from = scope; /** * Whether the reference comes from a dynamic scope (such as 'eval', * 'with', etc.), and may be trapped by dynamic scopes. * @member {boolean} Reference#tainted */ this.tainted = false; /** * The variable this reference is resolved with. * @member {Variable} Reference#resolved */ this.resolved = null; /** * The read-write mode of the reference. (Value is one of {@link * Reference.READ}, {@link Reference.RW}, {@link Reference.WRITE}). * @member {number} Reference#flag * @private */ this.flag = flag; if (this.isWrite()) { /** * If reference is writeable, this is the tree being written to it. * @member {esprima#Node} Reference#writeExpr */ this.writeExpr = writeExpr; } /** * Whether the Reference might refer to a global variable. * @member {boolean} Reference#__maybeImplicitGlobal * @private */ this.__maybeImplicitGlobal = maybeImplicitGlobal; } /** * @constant Reference.READ * @private */ Reference.READ = 0x1; /** * @constant Reference.WRITE * @private */ Reference.WRITE = 0x2; /** * @constant Reference.RW * @private */ Reference.RW = 0x3; /** * Whether the reference is static. * @method Reference#isStatic * @return {boolean} */ Reference.prototype.isStatic = function isStatic() { return !this.tainted && this.resolved && this.resolved.scope.isStatic(); }; /** * Whether the reference is writeable. * @method Reference#isWrite * @return {boolean} */ Reference.prototype.isWrite = function isWrite() { return this.flag & Reference.WRITE; }; /** * Whether the reference is readable. * @method Reference#isRead * @return {boolean} */ Reference.prototype.isRead = function isRead() { return this.flag & Reference.READ; }; /** * Whether the reference is read-only. * @method Reference#isReadOnly * @return {boolean} */ Reference.prototype.isReadOnly = function isReadOnly() { return this.flag === Reference.READ; }; /** * Whether the reference is write-only. * @method Reference#isWriteOnly * @return {boolean} */ Reference.prototype.isWriteOnly = function isWriteOnly() { return this.flag === Reference.WRITE; }; /** * Whether the reference is read-write. * @method Reference#isReadWrite * @return {boolean} */ Reference.prototype.isReadWrite = function isReadWrite() { return this.flag === Reference.RW; }; /** * A Variable represents a locally scoped identifier. These include arguments to * functions. * @class Variable */ function Variable(name, scope) { /** * The variable name, as given in the source code. * @member {String} Variable#name */ this.name = name; /** * List of defining occurrences of this variable (like in 'var ...' * statements or as parameter), as AST nodes. * @member {esprima.Identifier[]} Variable#identifiers */ this.identifiers = []; /** * List of {@link Reference|references} of this variable (excluding parameter entries) * in its defining scope and all nested scopes. For defining * occurrences only see {@link Variable#defs}. * @member {Reference[]} Variable#references */ this.references = []; /** * List of defining occurrences of this variable (like in 'var ...' * statements or as parameter), as custom objects. * @typedef {Object} DefEntry * @property {String} DefEntry.type - the type of the occurrence (e.g. * "Parameter", "Variable", ...) * @property {esprima.Identifier} DefEntry.name - the identifier AST node of the occurrence * @property {esprima.Node} DefEntry.node - the enclosing node of the * identifier * @property {esprima.Node} [DefEntry.parent] - the enclosing statement * node of the identifier * @member {DefEntry[]} Variable#defs */ this.defs = []; this.tainted = false; /** * Whether this is a stack variable. * @member {boolean} Variable#stack */ this.stack = true; /** * Reference to the enclosing Scope. * @member {Scope} Variable#scope */ this.scope = scope; } Variable.CatchClause = 'CatchClause'; Variable.Parameter = 'Parameter'; Variable.FunctionName = 'FunctionName'; Variable.Variable = 'Variable'; Variable.ImplicitGlobalVariable = 'ImplicitGlobalVariable'; function isStrictScope(scope, block) { var body, i, iz, stmt, expr; // When upper scope is exists and strict, inner scope is also strict. if (scope.upper && scope.upper.isStrict) { return true; } if (scope.type === 'function') { body = block.body; } else if (scope.type === 'global') { body = block; } else { return false; } if (options.directive) { for (i = 0, iz = body.body.length; i < iz; ++i) { stmt = body.body[i]; if (stmt.type !== 'DirectiveStatement') { break; } if (stmt.raw === '"use strict"' || stmt.raw === '\'use strict\'') { return true; } } } else { for (i = 0, iz = body.body.length; i < iz; ++i) { stmt = body.body[i]; if (stmt.type !== Syntax.ExpressionStatement) { break; } expr = stmt.expression; if (expr.type !== Syntax.Literal || typeof expr.value !== 'string') { break; } if (expr.raw != null) { if (expr.raw === '"use strict"' || expr.raw === '\'use strict\'') { return true; } } else { if (expr.value === 'use strict') { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * @class Scope */ function Scope(block, opt) { var variable, body; /** * One of 'catch', 'with', 'function' or 'global'. * @member {String} Scope#type */ this.type = (block.type === Syntax.CatchClause) ? 'catch' : (block.type === Syntax.WithStatement) ? 'with' : (block.type === Syntax.Program) ? 'global' : 'function'; /** * The scoped {@link Variable}s of this scope, as { Variable.name * : Variable }. * @member {Map} Scope#set */ this.set = new Map(); /** * The tainted variables of this scope, as { Variable.name : * boolean }. * @member {Map} Scope#taints */ this.taints = new Map(); /** * Generally, through the lexical scoping of JS you can always know * which variable an identifier in the source code refers to. There are * a few exceptions to this rule. With 'global' and 'with' scopes you * can only decide at runtime which variable a reference refers to. * Moreover, if 'eval()' is used in a scope, it might introduce new * bindings in this or its prarent scopes. * All those scopes are considered 'dynamic'. * @member {boolean} Scope#dynamic */ this.dynamic = this.type === 'global' || this.type === 'with'; /** * A reference to the scope-defining syntax node. * @member {esprima.Node} Scope#block */ this.block = block; /** * The {@link Reference|references} that are not resolved with this scope. * @member {Reference[]} Scope#through */ this.through = []; /** * The scoped {@link Variable}s of this scope. In the case of a * 'function' scope this includes the automatic argument arguments as * its first element, as well as all further formal arguments. * @member {Variable[]} Scope#variables */ this.variables = []; /** * Any variable {@link Reference|reference} found in this scope. This * includes occurrences of local variables as well as variables from * parent scopes (including the global scope). For local variables * this also includes defining occurrences (like in a 'var' statement). * In a 'function' scope this does not include the occurrences of the * formal parameter in the parameter list. * @member {Reference[]} Scope#references */ this.references = []; /** * List of {@link Reference}s that are left to be resolved (i.e. which * need to be linked to the variable they refer to). Used internally to * resolve bindings during scope analysis. On a finalized scope * analysis, all sopes have left value null. * @member {Reference[]} Scope#left */ this.left = []; /** * For 'global' and 'function' scopes, this is a self-reference. For * other scope types this is the variableScope value of the * parent scope. * @member {Scope} Scope#variableScope */ this.variableScope = (this.type === 'global' || this.type === 'function') ? this : currentScope.variableScope; /** * Whether this scope is created by a FunctionExpression. * @member {boolean} Scope#functionExpressionScope */ this.functionExpressionScope = false; /** * Whether this is a scope that contains an 'eval()' invocation. * @member {boolean} Scope#directCallToEvalScope */ this.directCallToEvalScope = false; /** * @member {boolean} Scope#thisFound */ this.thisFound = false; body = this.type === 'function' ? block.body : block; if (opt.naming) { this.__define(block.id, { type: Variable.FunctionName, name: block.id, node: block }); this.functionExpressionScope = true; } else { if (this.type === 'function') { variable = new Variable('arguments', this); this.taints.set('arguments', true); this.set.set('arguments', variable); this.variables.push(variable); } if (block.type === Syntax.FunctionExpression && block.id) { new Scope(block, { naming: true }); } } /** * Reference to the parent {@link Scope|scope}. * @member {Scope} Scope#upper */ this.upper = currentScope; /** * Whether 'use strict' is in effect in this scope. * @member {boolean} Scope#isStrict */ this.isStrict = isStrictScope(this, block); /** * List of nested {@link Scope}s. * @member {Scope[]} Scope#childScopes */ this.childScopes = []; if (currentScope) { currentScope.childScopes.push(this); } // RAII currentScope = this; if (this.type === 'global') { globalScope = this; globalScope.implicit = { set: new Map(), variables: [] }; } scopes.push(this); } Scope.prototype.__close = function __close() { var i, iz, ref, current, node, implicit; // Because if this is global environment, upper is null if (!this.dynamic || options.optimistic) { // static resolve for (i = 0, iz = this.left.length; i < iz; ++i) { ref = this.left[i]; if (!this.__resolve(ref)) { this.__delegateToUpperScope(ref); } } } else { // this is "global" / "with" / "function with eval" environment if (this.type === 'with') { for (i = 0, iz = this.left.length; i < iz; ++i) { ref = this.left[i]; ref.tainted = true; this.__delegateToUpperScope(ref); } } else { for (i = 0, iz = this.left.length; i < iz; ++i) { // notify all names are through to global ref = this.left[i]; current = this; do { current.through.push(ref); current = current.upper; } while (current); } } } if (this.type === 'global') { implicit = []; for (i = 0, iz = this.left.length; i < iz; ++i) { ref = this.left[i]; if (ref.__maybeImplicitGlobal && !this.set.has(ref.identifier.name)) { implicit.push(ref.__maybeImplicitGlobal); } } // create an implicit global variable from assignment expression for (i = 0, iz = implicit.length; i < iz; ++i) { node = implicit[i]; this.__defineImplicit(node.left, { type: Variable.ImplicitGlobalVariable, name: node.left, node: node }); } } this.left = null; currentScope = this.upper; }; Scope.prototype.__resolve = function __resolve(ref) { var variable, name; name = ref.identifier.name; if (this.set.has(name)) { variable = this.set.get(name); variable.references.push(ref); variable.stack = variable.stack && ref.from.variableScope === this.variableScope; if (ref.tainted) { variable.tainted = true; this.taints.set(variable.name, true); } ref.resolved = variable; return true; } return false; }; Scope.prototype.__delegateToUpperScope = function __delegateToUpperScope(ref) { if (this.upper) { this.upper.left.push(ref); } this.through.push(ref); }; Scope.prototype.__defineImplicit = function __defineImplicit(node, info) { var name, variable; if (node && node.type === Syntax.Identifier) { name = node.name; if (!this.implicit.set.has(name)) { variable = new Variable(name, this); variable.identifiers.push(node); variable.defs.push(info); this.implicit.set.set(name, variable); this.implicit.variables.push(variable); } else { variable = this.implicit.set.get(name); variable.identifiers.push(node); variable.defs.push(info); } } }; Scope.prototype.__define = function __define(node, info) { var name, variable; if (node && node.type === Syntax.Identifier) { name = node.name; if (!this.set.has(name)) { variable = new Variable(name, this); variable.identifiers.push(node); variable.defs.push(info); this.set.set(name, variable); this.variables.push(variable); } else { variable = this.set.get(name); variable.identifiers.push(node); variable.defs.push(info); } } }; Scope.prototype.__referencing = function __referencing(node, assign, writeExpr, maybeImplicitGlobal) { var ref; // because Array element may be null if (node && node.type === Syntax.Identifier) { ref = new Reference(node, this, assign || Reference.READ, writeExpr, maybeImplicitGlobal); this.references.push(ref); this.left.push(ref); } }; Scope.prototype.__detectEval = function __detectEval() { var current; current = this; this.directCallToEvalScope = true; do { current.dynamic = true; current = current.upper; } while (current); }; Scope.prototype.__detectThis = function __detectThis() { this.thisFound = true; }; Scope.prototype.__isClosed = function isClosed() { return this.left === null; }; // API Scope#resolve(name) // returns resolved reference Scope.prototype.resolve = function resolve(ident) { var ref, i, iz; assert(this.__isClosed(), 'scope should be closed'); assert(ident.type === Syntax.Identifier, 'target should be identifier'); for (i = 0, iz = this.references.length; i < iz; ++i) { ref = this.references[i]; if (ref.identifier === ident) { return ref; } } return null; }; // API Scope#isStatic // returns this scope is static Scope.prototype.isStatic = function isStatic() { return !this.dynamic; }; // API Scope#isArgumentsMaterialized // return this scope has materialized arguments Scope.prototype.isArgumentsMaterialized = function isArgumentsMaterialized() { // TODO(Constellation) // We can more aggressive on this condition like this. // // function t() { // // arguments of t is always hidden. // function arguments() { // } // } var variable; // This is not function scope if (this.type !== 'function') { return true; } if (!this.isStatic()) { return true; } variable = this.set.get('arguments'); assert(variable, 'always have arguments variable'); return variable.tainted || variable.references.length !== 0; }; // API Scope#isThisMaterialized // return this scope has materialized `this` reference Scope.prototype.isThisMaterialized = function isThisMaterialized() { // This is not function scope if (this.type !== 'function') { return true; } if (!this.isStatic()) { return true; } return this.thisFound; }; Scope.mangledName = '__$escope$__'; Scope.prototype.attach = function attach() { if (!this.functionExpressionScope) { this.block[Scope.mangledName] = this; } }; Scope.prototype.detach = function detach() { if (!this.functionExpressionScope) { delete this.block[Scope.mangledName]; } }; Scope.prototype.isUsedName = function (name) { if (this.set.has(name)) { return true; } for (var i = 0, iz = this.through.length; i < iz; ++i) { if (this.through[i].identifier.name === name) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * @class ScopeManager */ function ScopeManager(scopes) { this.scopes = scopes; this.attached = false; } // Returns appropliate scope for this node ScopeManager.prototype.__get = function __get(node) { var i, iz, scope; if (this.attached) { return node[Scope.mangledName] || null; } if (Scope.isScopeRequired(node)) { for (i = 0, iz = this.scopes.length; i < iz; ++i) { scope = this.scopes[i]; if (!scope.functionExpressionScope) { if (scope.block === node) { return scope; } } } } return null; }; ScopeManager.prototype.acquire = function acquire(node) { return this.__get(node); }; ScopeManager.prototype.release = function release(node) { var scope = this.__get(node); if (scope) { scope = scope.upper; while (scope) { if (!scope.functionExpressionScope) { return scope; } scope = scope.upper; } } return null; }; ScopeManager.prototype.attach = function attach() { var i, iz; for (i = 0, iz = this.scopes.length; i < iz; ++i) { this.scopes[i].attach(); } this.attached = true; }; ScopeManager.prototype.detach = function detach() { var i, iz; for (i = 0, iz = this.scopes.length; i < iz; ++i) { this.scopes[i].detach(); } this.attached = false; }; Scope.isScopeRequired = function isScopeRequired(node) { return Scope.isVariableScopeRequired(node) || node.type === Syntax.WithStatement || node.type === Syntax.CatchClause; }; Scope.isVariableScopeRequired = function isVariableScopeRequired(node) { return node.type === Syntax.Program || node.type === Syntax.FunctionExpression || node.type === Syntax.FunctionDeclaration; }; /** * Main interface function. Takes an Esprima syntax tree and returns the * analyzed scopes. * @function analyze * @param {esprima.Tree} tree * @param {Object} providedOptions - Options that tailor the scope analysis * @param {boolean} [providedOptions.optimistic=false] - the optimistic flag * @param {boolean} [providedOptions.directive=false]- the directive flag * @param {boolean} [providedOptions.ignoreEval=false]- whether to check 'eval()' calls * @return {ScopeManager} */ function analyze(tree, providedOptions) { var resultScopes; options = updateDeeply(defaultOptions(), providedOptions); resultScopes = scopes = []; currentScope = null; globalScope = null; // attach scope and collect / resolve names estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: function enter(node) { var i, iz, decl; if (Scope.isScopeRequired(node)) { new Scope(node, {}); } switch (node.type) { case Syntax.AssignmentExpression: if (node.operator === '=') { currentScope.__referencing(node.left, Reference.WRITE, node.right, (!currentScope.isStrict && node.left.name != null) && node); } else { currentScope.__referencing(node.left, Reference.RW, node.right); } currentScope.__referencing(node.right); break; case Syntax.ArrayExpression: for (i = 0, iz = node.elements.length; i < iz; ++i) { currentScope.__referencing(node.elements[i]); } break; case Syntax.BlockStatement: break; case Syntax.BinaryExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.left); currentScope.__referencing(node.right); break; case Syntax.BreakStatement: break; case Syntax.CallExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.callee); for (i = 0, iz = node['arguments'].length; i < iz; ++i) { currentScope.__referencing(node['arguments'][i]); } // check this is direct call to eval if (!options.ignoreEval && node.callee.type === Syntax.Identifier && node.callee.name === 'eval') { currentScope.variableScope.__detectEval(); } break; case Syntax.CatchClause: currentScope.__define(node.param, { type: Variable.CatchClause, name: node.param, node: node }); break; case Syntax.ConditionalExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.test); currentScope.__referencing(node.consequent); currentScope.__referencing(node.alternate); break; case Syntax.ContinueStatement: break; case Syntax.DirectiveStatement: break; case Syntax.DoWhileStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.test); break; case Syntax.DebuggerStatement: break; case Syntax.EmptyStatement: break; case Syntax.ExpressionStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.expression); break; case Syntax.ForStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.init); currentScope.__referencing(node.test); currentScope.__referencing(node.update); break; case Syntax.ForInStatement: if (node.left.type === Syntax.VariableDeclaration) { currentScope.__referencing(node.left.declarations[0].id, Reference.WRITE, null, false); } else { currentScope.__referencing(node.left, Reference.WRITE, null, (!currentScope.isStrict && node.left.name != null) && node); } currentScope.__referencing(node.right); break; case Syntax.FunctionDeclaration: // FunctionDeclaration name is defined in upper scope currentScope.upper.__define(node.id, { type: Variable.FunctionName, name: node.id, node: node }); for (i = 0, iz = node.params.length; i < iz; ++i) { currentScope.__define(node.params[i], { type: Variable.Parameter, name: node.params[i], node: node, index: i }); } break; case Syntax.FunctionExpression: // id is defined in upper scope for (i = 0, iz = node.params.length; i < iz; ++i) { currentScope.__define(node.params[i], { type: Variable.Parameter, name: node.params[i], node: node, index: i }); } break; case Syntax.Identifier: break; case Syntax.IfStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.test); break; case Syntax.Literal: break; case Syntax.LabeledStatement: break; case Syntax.LogicalExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.left); currentScope.__referencing(node.right); break; case Syntax.MemberExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.object); if (node.computed) { currentScope.__referencing(node.property); } break; case Syntax.NewExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.callee); for (i = 0, iz = node['arguments'].length; i < iz; ++i) { currentScope.__referencing(node['arguments'][i]); } break; case Syntax.ObjectExpression: break; case Syntax.Program: break; case Syntax.Property: currentScope.__referencing(node.value); break; case Syntax.ReturnStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.argument); break; case Syntax.SequenceExpression: for (i = 0, iz = node.expressions.length; i < iz; ++i) { currentScope.__referencing(node.expressions[i]); } break; case Syntax.SwitchStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.discriminant); break; case Syntax.SwitchCase: currentScope.__referencing(node.test); break; case Syntax.ThisExpression: currentScope.variableScope.__detectThis(); break; case Syntax.ThrowStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.argument); break; case Syntax.TryStatement: break; case Syntax.UnaryExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.argument); break; case Syntax.UpdateExpression: currentScope.__referencing(node.argument, Reference.RW, null); break; case Syntax.VariableDeclaration: for (i = 0, iz = node.declarations.length; i < iz; ++i) { decl = node.declarations[i]; currentScope.variableScope.__define(decl.id, { type: Variable.Variable, name: decl.id, node: decl, index: i, parent: node }); if (decl.init) { // initializer is found currentScope.__referencing(decl.id, Reference.WRITE, decl.init, false); currentScope.__referencing(decl.init); } } break; case Syntax.VariableDeclarator: break; case Syntax.WhileStatement: currentScope.__referencing(node.test); break; case Syntax.WithStatement: // WithStatement object is referenced at upper scope currentScope.upper.__referencing(node.object); break; } }, leave: function leave(node) { while (currentScope && node === currentScope.block) { currentScope.__close(); } } }); assert(currentScope === null); globalScope = null; scopes = null; options = null; return new ScopeManager(resultScopes); } /** @name module:escope.version */ exports.version = '1.0.1'; /** @name module:escope.Reference */ exports.Reference = Reference; /** @name module:escope.Variable */ exports.Variable = Variable; /** @name module:escope.Scope */ exports.Scope = Scope; /** @name module:escope.ScopeManager */ exports.ScopeManager = ScopeManager; /** @name module:escope.analyze */ exports.analyze = analyze; }, this)); /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 et tw=80 : */