Hi Lars, > > For some time now, I've been using the simple shell script below to do > non-development Emacs compilation. That is, when I say "git pull" I > always say "emake" afterwards, and I also run it when I apply patches > from people and stuff. It basically suppresses all the informational > messages from the build process, leaving me with just the bear > necessities, so that you can forget about your worries and your strife, > I mean, the wall of text. > Thanks for your script, which is indeed handy. I attach a slighly improved version, which also "cleans" the autogen and configure steps, and which displays error/warning messages in bold red. I also replaced your "nproc" by "expr $(nproc) / 2 + 1", IME using nproc makes the computer unuseable, and is not much faster than nproc/2+1.