Eli Zaretskii: >> In that case, most uses of icomplete-vertical and any similar features >> "have bugs". There's no chance in the world you can display all the >> files in a non-trivial directory vertically in a mini-window without >> losing some of the file names and/or some of the prompt. Luckily, there's a chance that you can display the entire prompt! (*) martin rudalics: > Right. I exclusively use systems where I can always see the entire > prompt which might ask me something like "Delete 27 files?" and > additionally allows me to see the names of these files via some extra > scrolling mechanism. Provided there's not enough space to see the > entire prompt and the names of all these files in a popped-up window. In > either case, the entire prompt must be visible. I fully agree with you that "the entire prompt must always be visible". Icomplete does this, with the attached code. The entire prompt is always visible (*), and you can scroll the completion candidates with C-. and C-,. (*) Except of course in pathological cases, for example with (setq max-mini-window-height 1) and (set-frame-width nil 10). But in these cases nothing can be done.