> > On a subjective note I think weĒre exaggerating the role of EmacsĒ looks > with regards to how it affects newcomers. > Given the insane length of this thread (about 1000 emails so far), I think not. Of course it's only "a very little, opinionated sample of users" as you write, but one user who takes the time to come here and to explain and defend their viewpoint is worth thousands other users who think the same but do not want to waste their time, and just switch to another editor. > > And itĒs solved as easily as M-x load-theme RET modus-vivendi RET post > Emacs 28 (or some point-release of 27 maybe?), or today with a simple > package install. > Do you realize that what you write amounts to "In software A, B, C and D, to get what you want, click on this button. In software E, to get what you want, it's very easy, just type "Zk1v31!*". For them it's almost like a secret keystroke for an easter egg in a game. How is a new user supposed to know that they should type M-x load-theme (or M-x customize-themes)? There is not even a menu entry for this (AFAICS).