Thanks for your detailed reply! > > Yes, there are three cases: - font-lock-mode is nil - font-lock-mode is > t but the font-lock machinery is not activated (e.g. in text-mode with > the default config). - font-lock fully activated. > With this indication and another mail you sent to Eli, I think I finally understand what you mean. One thing I'm not entirely sure is whether the second case is (and font-lock-mode (not font-lock-keywords)) or (and font-lock-mode (not font-lock-fontified)), but my guess is that font-lock-fontified is an internal variable and that it is safer to use font-lock-keywords here. >> +Otherwise, with prefix ARG, toggle Font Lock mode." > > Is this behavior useful? > I think it is, yes, and I think it makes sense to use the prefix argument for that. M-x font-lock-mode does not always produce the expected effect, which can be puzzling, so having a way to "do what I mean" in a command is useful. I attach the patch, updated with your suggestions.