On 18.08.2022 11:44, Yuan Fu wrote:

Good news, the slowness can be easily resolved by compiling the query pattern in csharp-mode-font-lock-settings-1 (this is a recent addition to treesit).


Thanks for the reply and thanks for looking into this.

I can confirm that by compiling the query like you suggested, and replacing linum-mode with nlinum-mode, I'm not experiencing any performance issues any more!

To avoid issues like this... Should perhaps the function treesit-query-capture (in treesit.c) emit a warning/message when encountering non-compiled queries?

That way writing more performant major-modes would be more self-explanatory, resulting in a better, faster Emacs for everyone.

Vennlig hilsen
Jostein Kjønigsen

jostein@kjonigsen.net 🍵 jostein@gmail.com