On Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 03:22:12PM +0900, Psionic K wrote: > I only just caught Stefan's presentation on Emacs development > https://toobnix.org/w/m4XmrmE9Geat54AKT1RQaH [...] > While these web 2.0 style services have their own drawbacks for > communication that have become more clear in their 20 years of > evolution, the better systems are currently under development and we > should direct attention toward making better things rather than > applying friction to each other over the drawbacks of these soon-to-be > ancient web 2.0 platforms [...] You align things along a "worse...better" line, but let me say that this valuation corresponds to your opinion, which I do respect but I don't share at all. For me, a good mail workflow is way better than any of the Web 2.0 alternatives available (and yes, I do have experience with Gitlab). Cheers -- t