There's a paper going around that demonstrates how two Unicode features can be used to trick source code auditors into misinterpreting program logic. The authors have suggested that language specifications should be amended, implementations should warn or raise errors and editor tooling should display visual warnings. Both issues are tracked as CVE-2021-42574 and CVE-2021-42694. The first issue is about bidirectional reordering characters. If bidi text rendering is not needed, it's easy enough to work around with `(setq-default bidi-display-reordering nil)`. Some people already make use of this to speed up redisplay. Maybe there's a better solution, such as automatically detecting whether the user is working with a RTL script and only then enable bidi text rendering. The second issue is about mixed-script confusable characters. Emacs does not appear to have a workaround for that. I've come across the uni-confusables package in GNU ELPA, but it merely sets up character tables. The only mention of confusables I can find in the Emacs sources is for `help-uni-confusables` which contains a much smaller list for quotation marks, used in help buffers and elisp buffers. A possible solution would be to implement the Unicode confusables algorithm and expose it in the uni-confusables package. Vasilij