-------- Originalmeddelande -------- Från: Dmitry Gutov Datum: 2020-09-13 02:45 (GMT+01:00) Till: Arthur Miller , "Alfred M. Szmidt" Kopia: Ergus , casouri@gmail.com, emacs-devel@gnu.org, monnier@iro.umontreal.ca, ghe@sdf.org, tecosaur@gmail.com Ämne: Re: "modern" colors Re: Changes for emacs 28 On 12.09.2020 16:16, Arthur Miller wrote: > I don't liek staring at white backgrounds, it is like looking into a > lamp. As I write this I have half of my screen on white background (a > github page) and white in dary green (Emacs) and I can clearly compare > and see how much harder it is to look at white background of Github. This looks like a common misconception. Here's how this experiment is flawed. The eyes adapts to the current ambient level of lighting. That why when you go outside you don't usually have to cover your eyes. Even though daylight's brightness is an order(s) of magnitude higher than the lighting inside an average office, indoors. As soon as your eyes and brain notice that the basic level of illumination has increased, the iris muscles in your eyes contract, the irises become smaller and let in only the amount of light that is needed for you to see things clearly, but not more (leading to too-bright a picture). And when you go back into the shade, the iris muscle relaxes and the pupils enlarge to, again, capture the appropriate amount of light. If you ever did some photography (digital or otherwise), you probably know that more light is generally a good thing, and most cameras can produce a good picture in generous lighting. In twilight, that takes more effort. The bulk of the eye strain comes from those moments when the eye has to adapt to the new level of brightness. That's when the iris muscle does its work. So if you have been working in a dark Emacs for some time, and especially if the room around you is not well-lit, of course Github and similar websites would immediately look like a bright sun. But if you turn on more lights in the room (or simply lower the screen ----------- It was in the middle of the afternoon when light is at brightest at my place :-). I don't think it is a misconception. I understand your reasoning but I don't think it really applies. Yeah, sure, there is some adaptation and o on between dark and light, but try to stare at Sun on a shiny day, or to stare longer time at a light bulb. I don't think your eyes will appreciate, mine certainly won't. I also think there is a lot of subjectivity here. Muscles and sensitivity is different from person to person. By the way I didn't claim it was a scientific experiment, just my perception atm.