Hello Andrès and al., I write to all people listed in SES manual acknowledgements to know if anybody minds the proposed change to how ses-select works. Here is an update (from my dev branch, nothing yet pushed), with ses-select fixed. Also ses-range does not directly inlines the implementation, but now delegates to a helper function ses-range-engine. ses-range-engine has an extra-argument value-extractor, this way, if one day we wish to make some ses-symbol-range macro to get cell symbols instead of cell values, it would be quite easy to define it as follows: (defmacro ses-symbol-range (from to &rest rest) `(ses-range-engine #'ses-cell--symbol (quote ,from) (quote ,to) ,(and rest `(quote ,rest)))) FYI information, the ses-select is now a function, no longer a macro, so it does not expand to a (list …) form containing symbols that by evaluation gets a list of values, but directly returns the list of values. I have no idea what the use of having this expansion to (list CELL-SYMBOLS) was, this seemed over-complex to me for no use. Also, ses-select used to revert the symbol order, and I have changed that too. Any brickbats, questions, comments, etc… welcome, Vincent. [https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/generic_16x16.png]ses.el ________________________________ De : Vincent Belaïche Envoyé : dimanche 24 décembre 2023 22:13 À : andrés ramírez Cc : emacs-devel ; boruch_baum@gmx.com Objet : RE: using ses programatically (was: a ses question) Thank you Andrès for the feedback, I have just pushed to master the improvement in ses+ documentation, and two other fixes. One is just an optimisation of ses-insert-row that was not really optimizing anything, and the other is about ses-formula-record, that was not recording anything, so the ' (ses-read-symbol) auto completion was not working. Vincent. PS : Now the head of my dev branch is this [https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/generic_16x16.png] ses.el ________________________________ De : andrés ramírez Envoyé : dimanche 24 décembre 2023 16:44 À : Vincent Belaïche Cc : emacs-devel ; boruch_baum@gmx.com Objet : Re: using ses programatically (was: a ses question) Hi. Vincent. >>>>> "Vincent" == Vincent Belaïche writes: Vincent> Hello Andrès, Vincent> That is a good point that ses+ needs better documentation : I attached an update of Vincent> ses.texi, [cid:55adc5ac-b103-461e-8604-536c90cae07a] Vincent> ses.texi.diff[cid:240f77ca-5cdb-40fb-b4c2-ee89a0eba1d4]ses.texi. Vincent> Do you think it is OK ? The documentation change is Ok. Vincent> Concerning the ses-setq and change of ses-range, I realized that this makes a Vincent> regression on ses-insert-range and ses-select, I have made a fix to ses-insert-range Vincent> here : [cid:c43f099d-1b5e-4b57-a9f0-7feb40546350] Vincent> ses.el, I still need to fix Vincent> ses-select, since this is not a macro I use, it will take me some more time. Also, Vincent> documenting this and writing tests is still needed before I merge my local dev branch Vincent> to master. Take your time. And let me know when that part is completed. Andrés Ramírez ps: I have a second case (improvement) for discussion (about keyboard macros and ses)