On Apr 3, 2021, at 6:37 PM, Daniel Martín > wrote: "If you type any command that is not bound in Isearch, then you exit your search and run that command". In my case, and perhaps I'm the only one, this is one of the features of isearch that I cannot live without: It's very simple to end a search. But I don't oppose having the package in ELPA for people that like or are used to the way search in web browsers work. Actually this feature can cause inconvenience in some cases. `isearch-occur’ (bound to `M-s o’ in 'isearch-mode-map`) when `isearch’, even a buffer is created, `isearch’ doesn’t exit though. In vanilla Emacs, the cursor is in the original buffer. But if you use shackle or customize `display-buffer-alist’ directly, the cursor can be refocused to the new created one. Typing in the *Occur* buffer triggers `isearch-printing-char’ which is counterintuitive. -- Zhiwei Chen