On Aug 14, 2017, at 5:17 PM, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:

From: Artemio Gonzalez Lopez <artemiog@mac.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:35:39 +0200

I've been using Emacs 25.2.1 (downloaded from emacsformacosx.com) with
several developer betas of Mac OS 10.13. I had no problem until the
latest (beta 5), which does not render properly the fringes and the
header/mode lines in Emacs windows. More precisely, it renders them in
solid black, which in particular makes it virtually impossible to read
the text messages in the header/mode lines. I am attaching two png
files, showing how a window is rendered now (Fig. 1) and how it should
be rendered (Fig. 2). This is probably a bug in macos's CoreGraphics (in
fact, I've filed a bug report to the effect). However, while the bug is
fixed (I hope in the next beta release!), I thought perhaps there could
be a way of manually setting the background color of the fringes and
header/mode which is not overridden by macos. Any suggestion in this
respect would be very welcome!

AFAIU, the problem manifests itself in the inability of Emacs to load
the colors it wants to use.  So one possible workaround would be to
find out which colors it _can_ load, and customize the 'fringe' face
to use one of those colors.

To find which colors are available, use "M-x list-colors-display”.

Hi, Eli,

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. In fact, “M-x list-colors-display” produces the following baffling error message:

apply: Wrong number of arguments: max, 0

After getting this error, I checked the Messages buffer and found the following lines:

Unable to load color "grey75"
Unable to load color "gray75"
Unable to load color "dark red"
Unable to load color "gray75"
Unable to load color "gray50"
Unable to load color "gray75"
Unable to load color "gray50"
Unable to load color "gray75" [3 times]
Loading delsel...done
Loading paren...done
Loading /Users/artemio/.session...done
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Unable to load color "Firebrick"
Unable to load color "RoyalBlue3"
Unable to load color "dark slate blue"
Unable to load color "darkseagreen2"
Unable to load color "gray75" [2 times]
Unable to load color “gray50"

So it looks that after the newest developer beta Emacs has problems finding most (all?) colors. Does that make sense to you? Any fixes/workarounds that come to mind?

Thanks a lot,


Artemio Gonzalez Lopez