Hello guys,

I am very sorry for my late reply. I had to take a few months off for personal reasons.

Thanks for your great feedback.

Eli, you told me about the copyright paperwork, which I am interested in doing, so could you please send me the form you mentioned?

What I can do now is address the issues you guys pointed out and come back with a more "professional" looking commit.



Le ven. 26 juil. 2024 à 22:53, Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> a écrit :
> Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 21:20:14 +0300
> From: Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
> Cc: emacs-devel@gnu.org
> > From: Adam Oudad <adam.oudad@gmail.com>
> > Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 01:51:06 +0900
> >
> > As a daily user of GNU Emacs 29.3 and a native speaker of the Berber language, spoken in North African
> > countries such as Morocco, I regret the inability to input characters from the Tifinagh (can be pronounced
> > "tee-fee-nar") alphabet, the alphabet used by the Berber language.
> >
> > So I wrote a quail package for inputting Tifinagh and thought it would be a nice addition to the input methods
> > already available inside Emacs.
> >
> > I based my implementation on arabic.el for the arabie input method, and just remapped the keys to the
> > correct phonetic symbols.
> >
> > Your feedback will be much appreciated.
> Thanks.  This is okay, and I will install it soon, but can we extend
> the support for Tifinagh, so we have for it everything we have for
> other scripts and languages?  Here's what we need:
>  . For a Tifinagh line in etc/HELLO:
>    - The name of the script/language as written in itself (I believe
>      it's ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ, is that right?)
>    - A greeting ("hello") in this language
>  . For adding a Tifinagh language environment: the suitable
>    set-language-info-alist form (see examples in misc-lang.el for what
>    needs to be specified there)
>  . Anything else you think is needed for reasonable support of this
>    script.

No further comments, so I've now added the necessary bits and
installed this on the master branch.