On Wed, May 11, 2022, 08:42 Filipp Gunbin <fgunbin@fastmail.fm> wrote:
On 11/05/2022 05:19 -0500, Adam Porter wrote:

> plz.el is a library to make HTTP requests using curl, akin to url.el and
> request.el.  It attempts to provide a better API and avoid some of the
> problems found in the other libraries, such as with callbacks.

It would be great to be able to add "backends" to url.el, like for
example curl-based one...  So you don't have several similar APIs

You're welcome to explore that possibility. In the meantime, there are reasons that an alternative has been needed. You can find some discussions about them here, on the bug tracker, and on various other package repositories.

I would like to get plz.el on ELPA soon so I can submit Ement.el next.  Thanks.