I've been using eglot for some time now and that has implied playing around with different LSPs and their configurations. Before going for the "complex things", like project specific settings, I'm working on a one-fits-all my needs config and, yes, I've been writing this in elisp, which was somehow convoluted (and maybe not optimal for newbies).
How difficult/acceptable would it be to have a e.g. `(locate-user-emacs-file "eglot.json")` file holding the basic one-fits-all configuration in JSON? This files will always be overwritten with a .dir-locals.el file for specific projects, of course.
Just asking myself...
-- Fragen sind nicht da, um beantwortet zu werden,
Fragen sind da um gestellt zu werden
Georg Kreisler
Headaches with a Juju log:
unit-basic-16: 09:17:36 WARNING juju.worker.uniter.operation we should run a leader-deposed hook here, but we can't yet