On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 9:14 PM Po Lu <luangruo@yahoo.com> wrote:
I experienced these problems with Termux first-hand, and they motivated
me to start writing a new port.[...]

hopefully, you can understand why I get extremely frustrated when the
nature of those problems is called into question...

This is helpful, at least for me. In that spirit, I want to add that you seemed to be claiming, in multiple messages and multiple different wordings, that the termux+emacs solution was "broken", "unusable", and "inadequate", and while I do presume those terms accurately describe *your* experience, it definitely does not describe *everyone's* experience. I have used it myself in the past, and I know several people who have used it for years, some of which are still using it today. 

This is perfectly fine -- different people have different goals, needs, and criteria, of course. The problems come in, especially on distributed messaging systems, when some people use words, phrasings, or discussion style that tends to conflate one person's own (valuable!) experience with the incontrovertible state of the universe for everyone. Unfortunately for us mailing-list using humans, typical human conversation tends to encode this sort of "scope" metadata in features that are either _badly_ or _not at all_ conveyed by pure text, especially the quick/interleaved sort of text usually found on forums, chat systems, and mailing lists. (Interestingly, this is true of the large majority of, but not every, human language!)

This sort of thing is where mailing lists (chat rooms, etc.) tend to run into trouble. 

I hope this helps,