On Sun, Oct 2, 2022 at 9:52 AM Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org> wrote:
We are not talking about changing the language definitions, we are
talking about installing the ones provided by tree-sitter.  The use
case you mention is akin to your wanting to modify librsvg -- in which
case you'd need to start by installing Rust.

I _think_ I disagree about that analogy. If I want to use tree-sitter with a language that is not already somehow installed on my computer, I need a language definition for it. Right now, I can either install Node.js and build it myself, or download a binary from github. Is there another option? IIUC, the current expectation is NOT that an emacs+tree-sitter release will bundle language definitions for every language we expect the users are likely to want, or even for, say, the top 10 languages already supported by emacs outside of treesit. Is that understanding incorrect? 
