Somes Note for the Foo releated code.

This is the Foo struct definition
---- Linked to Foo.h buffer----
struct Foo {
    int a,
    int b,

Some function that use Foot
----------Linked to xxx.c ---------
void f1 (f: Foo) {

----------Linked to yyy.c ---------
void f2 (f: Foo) {



/home/aaa/work: npm start                                                                                   (Enter here to execute non-exitable program)
---------------------- Output of `npm start` ------------------------
XXX server is listen on 8000
request [GET]: .......................
request [GET]: ........................
/home/aaa/work: curl localhsot:8000/foo                                                                (Then Enter here to execute a curl)
---------------------- Output of `curl localhost:8000.....` ------------------------
/home/aaa/work: |                                                                                                 (Then we can execute more command here )
