One thing that always trips me up about the otherwise very nice `rectangle-mark-mode-map' is that it only has a few key mappings, and is notably missing `kill-rectangle' and `copy-rectangle-as-kill'. The attached patch adds these (remapped from `kill-region' and `kill-ring-save'), but there are still several other rectangle commands in the `C-x r' prefix that might be worth adding, so I figured I'd see what others thought: C-x r N rectangle-number-lines C-x r c clear-rectangle C-x r d delete-rectangle C-x r r copy-rectangle-to-register As far as I'm aware, none of these have non-rect analogues that we could remap except for `C-x r r', which is similar to `C-x r s' (`copy-to-register'). Perhaps it makes sense to map these as well, but I don't typically use any of them so I'm not sure what would be good mappings. At a guess though, maybe these would work? M-N (M-S-n) rectangle-number-lines M-SPC clear-rectangle C-d delete-rectangle C-x r s copy-rectangle-to-register Finally, there's `C-x r y' (`yank-rectangle'). As I understand it at least, this doesn't need/want an active rect so there's no real reason to map it in `rectangle-mark-mode-map'. However, when I was learning about rects, I always *expected* `yank-rectangle' to require me to have an active rect. Maybe it makes sense to do something about that, or maybe not; that's just my anecdotal experience. - Jim