On Dec 26, 2014 8:19 PM, "Steinar Bang" <sb@dod.no> wrote:
> >>>>> Lennart Borgman <lennart.borgman@gmail.com>:
> > Sure it can, but it looks to me like microdata (rather similar to
> > RDFa) is preferred by the search engines now.
> Do you mean "microformat"?

It is called microdata, see http://schema.org

>  I would be very surprised if google et. al
> didn't look for both. 

So would I be, but at the moment microdata seems to come first.

> But that's beside the point.  What I meant that RDFa is a good way to
> add semantic information to the page, in a form that can be used by an
> emacs HTML-info browser: you can define your own property types in an
> RDFa compliant manner.

Yes. And you can do the same with microdata I think.