On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:36 AM, Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
Thanks for the fix.

> --- a/packages/test-simple/example/gcd.el
> +++ b/packages/test-simple/example/gcd.el
> @@ -1,11 +1,32 @@
> +;;; test-simple.el --- Simple Unit Test Framework for Emacs Lisp

Hmm... why would "gcd.el" state that it's called "test-simple.el"?
It doesn't matter to GNU ELPA, so there's no hurry to fix it.

> +;; Author: Rocky Bernstein <rocky@gnu.org>
> +;; URL: http://github.com/rocky/emacs-test-simple
> +;; Keywords: unit-test
> +;; Version: 1.0

BTW, note that these headers are normally package headers, so they only
need to be present in the package's main file (i.e. test-simple.el in
this case).  Of course, just as the previous comment, this doesn't
bother the GNU ELPA scripts, so if you like it this way, it's your call.

Caused by mindless copy of boilerplate stuff. It would be good if this were automated better. 

I've removed some of those lines. It feels silly to me to add the full GPL terms on test programs or a generic program used in such a test. The tests and sample program data aren't really useful except in support of that specific package. So the likelihood of anyone copying it and making it proprietary is in my opinion slim; and the detriment to the general public or programmers marginal even if this happens is negligible.  Wouldn't just a copyright would be sufficient for such subsidiary programs? 

But I'm neither a lawyer, nor do I care to spend much time dealing with such issues. Again, this is why automating all the boilerplate would be desirable.