T.V Raman reports: > > s/melpa/elpa/ and for the record, most packages installed via the > > package manager be it elpa or melpa come with almost no documentation. and rms advises: *> It is important to write documentation for them. How about asking* > * the authors of some packages to write manuals for them?* I totally agree. A good deal of the software I write in fact has extensive documentation. See for example: https://www.gnu.org/software/libcdio/libcdio.html, http://bashdb.sourceforge.net/bashdb.html, http://bashdb.sourceforge.net/ruby-debug.html for texinfo-style documentation and http://python2-trepan.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for non-texinfo style. But in this particular case, for various reasons, it will probably be a while before I undertake to write any sort of comprehensive documentation in texinfo format. However, I invite others to start with what's there in the github wiki and the README.md that is provided in elpa, and turn that into texinfo. And I'll be happy to include that in the installation. Don't know this particular package that well? Well, the best way to learn it is to start documenting what's there as you go along. There are also plenty of docstrings that describe functions. And if you have a question about something, just contact me and I will be happy to assist or review documentation. In sum, turn your passion for good documentation into something tangible.