Hi, Since the native compiler does not support linking eln files, I'm curious if anyone has tried combining elisp files as source code files and compiling the result as a unit? Has there been any testing to determine if larger compilation units would be more efficient either in terms of loading or increased optimization opportunities visible to the compiler? Just as a thought experiment, there are about 1500 .el files in the lisp directory. Running from the root of the source tree, let's say I make 2 new directories, ct-lisp and lib-lisp, and then do cp -Rf lisp/* ct-lisp echo "(provide 'lib-emacs)" >lib-lisp/lib-emacs.el find lisp -name '*.el' | while read src; do cat $src >>lib-lisp/lib-emacs.el; done EMACS_LOAD_PATH='' ./src/emacs -batch -nsl --no-site-file --eval "(progn (setq load-path '(\"ct-lisp\" \"lib-lisp\")) (batch-native-compile 't))" lib-lisp/lib-emacs.el find lisp -name '*.el' | while read src; do cat >lib-lisp/$(basename $src) <