As you might know, Microsoft has recently released "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" which allows running Ubuntu under Windows (like cygwin, but better). See I was wondering if there was anyway to get gnuclient to work with this. For example, using emacs-24.2 for MS Windows I setup the right-click menu of Windows explorer to run emacsclientw.exe so that I can automatically load the file into emacs. Recently I have switched to running XEmacs under "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" using xming as my X-server. XEmacs comes up just fine, but I would really like to figure out how to send its server a message to open a file. I have no problem accessing the file from within XEmacs but I would guess that using the server is a hopeless task, since in a way the XEmacs is running under a different operating system. Can you assist me with this? Even if just by saying "it is hopeless". TIA, David Klein