Hi Ergus,

Thanks, I had a look at your patch.  I'm personally not too fond of that kind of
complexity coming into lisp/icomplete.el especially when then are simpler
formulae for achieving a funcional vertical icomplete system.  My solution is even
simpler than Gregory's for example (and based on his):

(setq icomplete-prospects-height 6)
(setq icomplete-separator "\n")

(defun icomplete-vertical-adjust-minibuffer-height (completions)
  (let* ((comp completions)
          (complen (length (split-string comp "\n"))))
     (if (> complen 1) (enlarge-window (- icomplete-prospects-height (1- (window-height)))))
(advice-add 'icomplete-completions :filter-return #'icomplete-vertical-adjust-minibuffer-height)

So, in my view, all that's needed is to fix the window height problem (addressed separately
in a discussion which I haven't been following), and then add sufficient hookage so that
a _separate_ icomplete-vertical.el package with all the advanced features you are working
on can be developed.

By the way, do you mind listing here exactly which ones those are in relation to the
system attained  by the code above?


On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 5:48 PM Ergus <spacibba@aol.com> wrote:

I made some corrections to simplify the icomplete-vertical feature
branch and pushed (forced) some days ago. (sorry for that, I should have
used a scratch branch instead)

Now the icomplete-format variable is removed and the user only needs to
add at least one '\n' to the separator. I also use
window-text-pixel-size to correct the issue with long lines but still
perform the height calculations in pixels to properly show the ellipsis
as Eli recommended.

I keep the funcall approach because IMO it is cleaner, and reduces
unneeded and redundant things. (And because it is compatible with
something else I am working in)

If some of the previous testers could give it a second try. When it is
fine I will add some documentation and merge in master.

BTW: If someone could give a look to the completions-highlight feature
branch too and make recommendations, report issues?


João Távora