> > First, %AppData% is a subdirectory of %UserProfile%, so it's not like > this is a totally different place. > > More importantly, we are following the platform guidelines, which > say: > > CSIDL_PROFILE Version 5.0. The user's profile folder. A typical > FOLDERID_Profile path is C:\Users\username. > Applications should not create files or folders > at this level; they should put their data under > the locations referred to by CSIDL_APPDATA or > CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA. > > When Emacs on Windows starts up, if %HOME% is not defined in the > environment already, Emacs defines it to refer to %AppData%. See > w32.c:init_environment for more details. > > I think we are, as much as practically possible. > True, but probably a decent fraction of users still tend to keep "emacs.d" in %UserProfile% similarly to how they keep "emacs.d" in $HOME on Unix. Yes, defining %HOME% is a possibility, but once again requires manual intervention and reading a manual after being surprised with something like "why the hell my configuration isn't loaded?" So I have the following proposal: 1. If %HOME% is defined, use it (current); 2. If "emacs.d" is present in %UserProfile%, use it (new); 3. Fallback to %AppData% (current). In other words, I propose to introduce #2 without ruining the already existing logic.