Thanks for the comments. I wasn't aware of the view of current contributors. Last time asked if a project could be included in elpa (with paper work), it was not a nice experience. I'm not even mentionning non conformance to GPL in some MELPA packages (using a license weak to no copyleft license). -- Etienne Le 2017-07-05 11:56, "Yann Hodique" wrote : >>>>> "Etienne" == Etienne Prud’homme writes: > Richard Stallman writes: >> I wish someone would write a package comparable to Magit that >> we could get legal papers for and include it in Emacs. > Although I really like Magit, I’m all for it. Could we make an official > project with GNU Emacs contributors? > I could try to contribute to some parts of it. > Writing it alone would be insane (I need to eat). I see that there’s > more than 8k commits on their repository. Also worth noting the project > had 200 contributors. I seriously wonder if hunting down for them would > be easier than writing it from scratch! As a former Magit maintainer myself, I would really hate to see much effort going into rewriting it instead of improving it :) A few more datapoints, for what it's worth: - at most ~100 contributors fall in the non-trivial contribution bucket if I'm using a total of less than 15 lines changed (even just moved around) as a naive threshold. - probably more that half of the remaining individual contributions (the 1- or 2-commits bucket) can be either very easily rewritten or have already been nuked from the current state of Magit. Not that we shouldn't try to collect the paperwork for those, but I suspect the occasional failure would be highly manageable. So that leaves probably 40 to 50 authors that really need to agree before it gets more complicated (if my overall understanding of the process is correct). - eyeballing the top ~20 contributors, it seems to me the vast majority of us already have code in Emacs proper, so I assume most of us are not opposed to the idea, and have similar paperwork in place. - the `dash' and `async' dependencies are already in ELPA, leaving only packages closely related to `magit' (mostly by the same authors) to be taken care of. So while I'm not trying to diminish the effort needed to get the paperwork in order (actually the task seems pretty daunting to me :)), I think it's worth at least asking the question, if that hasn't been done already. CC-ing Jonas for a more current perspective. Thanks Yann. -- What is each man but a memory for those who follow? -- DUKE LETO ATREIDES