On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 11:31 AM, John Wiegley wrote: > Wanting to use Emacs for other editing, while in the middle of a replace > operation, is fairly expert also. We don't use a separate window with "Find > Next" and "Replace" buttons, as graphical editors do: we use a modal > prompt in > the mini-buffer. Most Emacs users expect this to mean that they must > complete > their operation before Emacs is fully available again. > Disclaimer: my model for the proposed interaction is query-replace. If we are actually contemplating something quite different then perhaps my comments are irrelevant. That said... The usage scenario is not uncommon and is not an instance of wanting to perform arbitrary editing in the middle of a replace operation. Rather it is a question of wanting (or needing) to clean-up alignment _after_ replacing a token with a token of a different length. A very common instance is ensuring that end of line comments start at a specified column. IIUC when prompted as to whether I wish to replace the current token the recursive edit approach requires that I: 1) type C-r to enter a recursive edit 2) adjust whitespace (thereby corrupting the visible alignment around the as yet un-replaced token) hoping that I properly anticipate the whitespace needs that will obtain once the replace actually occurs 3) type C-M-c to exit recursive edit 4) respond to the query-replace prompt Following 4) token replacement occurs and the display updates to the next match. I get no visual feedback as to whether my attempt to adjust alignment was actually correct. This is the antithesis of a satisfactory WYSIWYG experience. I might as well be editing in TECO (which _I_ actually did at the beginning of my career :-) If I am working in an environment that bans hard tabs I just may get it right. Allow hard tabs and I doubt that there is a person on this list who would defend the experience. /john