I asked on Reddit if there is anyone already developing a Ruby mode using tree-sitter.  They suggested ask here.  It seems volunteers were being solicited recently.

I don’t want to officially volunteer but if no one is working on one, I’ll start pecking at it.  I’m not confident enough to volunteer.  At least not until I’ve wadded deeper into it.

I’ve found https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/ and a few other resources such as the start-guide in admin/notes/tree-sitter.  If there are any other helpful references, please let me know.  I plan on using typescript-ts-mode as a guide.

Good examples would be other modes like typescript-ts-mode that use the built in emacs' treesitter api.  They are simpler point to get started.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 12:11 AM Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> wrote:
Hi Perry,

On 06/12/2022 21:56, Perry Smith wrote:
> I asked on Reddit if there is anyone already developing a Ruby mode
> using tree-sitter.  They suggested ask here.  It seems volunteers were
> being solicited recently.
> I don’t want to officially volunteer but if no one is working on one,
> I’ll start pecking at it.  I’m not confident enough to volunteer.  At
> least not until I’ve wadded deeper into it.

It's on my list, but I'm not sure if I'll get around to it soon enough
to put it in Emacs 29. But it's possible to release it later on GNU ELPA
as a :core package.

If you want to take the initiative, though, please go ahead.