Hi, Quick background: I'm forced to use MS Windows at work. In order to use tramp with my MSYS emacs 28.0.91 build for operating remote servers I have to do either of: - plink - fakecygpty with cygwin bash to simulate native "ssh" with only minor annoyances The last option is working rather well for me, but seeing as MS Windows has recently made some PTY strides ( https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-command-line-introducing-the-windows-pseudo-console-conpty/ ) Is there any plans to make use of this in w32-emacs? I presume a patch to cmdproxy might make PTY available. Is it even possible? -- I'm far out of my depth here and my presumption might be trivially false -- even so, please elaborate, if you please. Thank you for your attention. Kind regards, Thomas