Sorry about even mentioning such horrors as MS-365 and Chrome and Google WorkSpace and Oauth2, but I HAVE to use them for work, unfortunately. All I want is to be able to Send & Read Email with Emacs & MA-GNUS & Linux mailx / sendmail, that is all I am asking about . MS-365's Outlook IMAP stopped working because it won't support OAuth2 , but its SMTP2 works with encrypted password & sendmail config patches ; Neither Google's IMAP nor its SMTP2 work for non-WorkSpace accounts, for WorkSpace accounts, SMTP2 with password works until Sept 2024 - this is what I am trying to handle. I'd prefer to be able to continue reading & sending email with MA-GNUS & Emacs, but Google & MS-365 make it ever more difficult. If I have to support Oauth2 in Emacs, then I'd like to use a single daemon and Oauth2 proxy for all of Emacs, Chrome, and Firefox, all of which I MUST use , since only google-chrome-unstable allows me to ScreenShare with Teams and Firefox Developer Edition is better for Outlook (doesn't crash) . I am investigating Keycloak , an open source Oauth2 server ... anyone got Emacs to use an Oauth2 Proxy ? Best Regards, Jason On Mon, 29 Jul 2024 at 05:53, Björn Bidar wrote: > Richard Stallman writes: > > > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]] > > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > > > Please could anyone recommend any good shared Ouath2 Daemon that > > > all of Emacs MA-GNUS / IMAP + sendmail + firefox + chrome + > > > Google/MS-365 SMTP2+Outh2 could use ? > > > > Asking for advice about using Google services is off topic for > > emacs-devel. Asking about support for nonfree programs such as Chrome > > is worse than merely off topic. > > How is getting OAuth to work offtopic? You seem to overread that that > they were talking about getting OAuth to work and not just about Google > Authentication or similar. > > Missing OAuth support has been an issue in other cases, e.g. using Gnus > for work or school. Many institutions restrict the use of their accounts > to OAuth or even use whitelists. > > Also I want add that we seem to tolerate packages supporting for non-free > services > in Elpa such as those supporting exchange, kinda a double standard. > > Br, > > Björn >