I see somewhat similar behavior as well.  I thought it might be related to autosave but have no verification yet.  I did confirm the behavior using emacs -q and will gladly go after the problem with gdb but I would very much appreciate some suggestions.  I rebuilt twice in the past week using the latest bazaar changes and saw the behavior in both builds.  My previous build is about 3 months old and does not show the bad behavior, fwiw.


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Ivan Andrus <darthandrus@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 7, 2013, at 6:36 PM, Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche@math.ntnu.no> wrote:

> Once in a while, some frame stops receiving keyboard events. It keeps
> receiving mouse events, so I can move the cursor around and so forth,
> but typing into the frame has no effect.
> Apparently, if I just keep typing random junk into the frame, the
> problem will resolve itself, with most of the input lost. (This is a
> new observation, not yet thoroughly confirmed. Previously, I would
> just kill the frame and open a new one.) In any case, the problem
> only affects one frame, and other frames work as usual.
> This is happening on OS X, --with-ns, recent builds from trunk. I
> think the problem has been around for quite a while (i.e., weeks), but
> I just haven't gotten around to reporting it until now.
> I'd file a bug report, but the problem is that I have no idea how to
> reproduce the problem. It just happens at random times.
> Do other OS X users see this? Can you suggest something I could try to
> get more information next time it happens? I gather that the event
> loop is notoriously hard to debug, however.

I have noticed this too.  For me the problem "goes away" when I press a letter.  In other words only control or meta (or hyper probably) keys don't work. When I press a regular letter then it inputs that character and I am able to type control characters as normal.

Sadly, I can't offer any advice on how to debug it, but thought this extra data point might be useful.  I haven't noticed any clues as to what might cause it, and it's rather rare.
