
I configured to build emacs from source -- branch feature/tree-sitter and commit 02f78c09b0a97ba044a43682a366a9d7732b885d -- invoking configure as bellow:

../configure --with-json --with-imagemagick --with-x --with-tree-sitter CFLAGS="-ggdb -O2" --enable-profiling

and build with make -j4. Then  I ran make -j4 check and all tests passed.

If all the forms below are evaluated with M-x eval-region -- after launching Emacs with emacs -Q, the (empty file) /tmp/test.py is opened but any key press (e.g. RET) kills emacs with SIGSEGV.

(setq python-use-tree-sitter t)

(and python-use-tree-sitter

(setq treesit-extra-load-path "~/emacs-tree-sitter/emacs-devel/admin/notes/tree-sitter/build-module/dist")

(find-file "/tmp/test.py")

Launching  Emacs with GDB and repeating the above steps reveals that the SIGSEGV happens at:

treesit_load_language (language_symbol=<optimized out>, signal_symbol=0x7fffffff6f90, signal_data=0x7fffffff6f98) at ../../src/lisp.h:1519
1519  return lisp_h_XCAR (c);

Any idea what I might be doing wrong? I downloaded libtree-sitter-python.so from here and built from source.

João Paulo L. de Carvalho
Ph.D Computer Science |  IC-UNICAMP | Campinas , SP - Brazil
Postdoctoral Research Fellow | University of Alberta | Edmonton, AB - Canada