> > As far as s.el goes, I suppose it might be a good thing to add it to > ELPA for those who like it. > > I'm not completely sold on its contents for the core, however: a lot of > it looks like a compatibility layer for Clojure's familiarity's sake, > with very thin wrappers (which basically just add the cost of function > invocation). > Okay, I picked s.el because I felt it was one of the low hanging fruits, but maybe I'd have picked something else. Now I started let's finish this one and then I'll move to `file-*`. > 1. s-prepend/s-append: trivially replaced by 'concat'. > Okay, that falls in the part 2 of my plan (decide which functions to import). I note that you are against such helpers, do people generally have the same opinion as you on this topic around here? > 2. s-trim: string-trim is already in subr-x. > Well as I said we would not import what already exists int he `string-` namespace 3. s-split: basically delegates to split-string, but wraps it in > save-match-data (which is generally against our guidelines for its use). > That falls in part 1 of my plan (alias existing misnamespaced functions), so we'd simply alias split-string as string-split. Now this point raises an interesting question about save-match-data, are these guidelines available somewhere? Thanks, Philippe