Consider the following code: (progn (defun foo () tomcat ) (defun bar () (foo)) ) (bar) When I instrument the foo and bar defuns for debugging by entering the command C-u M-C-x over the (progn ...) sexp and pressing the "n" key it comes with a black triangle next to tomcat, thus indicating that we are stepping through the foo function which is what I want. The error message is this: edebug-after: Symbol’s value as variable is void: tomcat This is all good. What I need to know is how to instrument every function for debugging. I tried the following command at the top of my ~/.emacs file: (progn (setq edebug-on-error t) (setq edebug-all-defs t)) When I put the above foo/bar/tomcat code in another file and I try to instrument the foo and bar methods for debugging, again with C-u M-C-x it comes back with the following error: bar: Symbol’s value as variable is void: tomcat Note that there is no black triangle next to the tomcat sexp, indicating we are using the debug module and not the edebug module, which is not what I want. How do I get every function marked as instrumented? TIA,