On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 19:18, John Wiegley wrote: > >>>>> "DP" == Davin Pearson writes: > > DP> I am about to write a completely pre-emptive time-sharing system but > first > DP> I need to know if I will be re-inventing the wheel. > > Hi Davin, > > Will this be a C extension of Emacs core? > > I plan to write the extension in Elisp. > What are your intentions for the project? What needs do you see it > fulfilling? > > Anyone who wants Java style threads in their Elisp programs. Basically, my idea is this: Suppose you have the following Elisp code: (defun code () (setq abc 'def) (setq def 'ghi)) My mult-threader then generates the following code. (defun foo-1 () (setq abc 'def) ) (defun foo-2 () (setq def 'ghi)) Obviously the code gets difficult when you have if/while constructs. -- Sincerely and kindest regards, Davin. Davin Pearson http://davin.50webs.com