On Wed, Sep 28, 2016, 6:47 AM Philippe Vaucher <philippe.vaucher@gmail.com> wrote:

This is my first attempt at submitting a patch, so keep that in mind
in case I messed up somewhere.

Awesome! :)

I already did the copyright assignment dance and it was accepted &
sent to me the 2016-09-07, do I need to send the confirmation to
someone in order to post here?

When I sent my first patch, I asked the person who helped commit that to look up my name in the list of people who have assigned their copyright. 

Just to be sure, I should send emails to emacs-devel as plain text
right? no html?

The patches should be sent as bug reports. That way, the patch and the reasoning behind it stays together in a clean bug thread. Also the commit to master can then refer to that (Bug#NNNNN). So, no guesswork is involved if someone wants to understand why a particular commit was made. 

Anyway, back to the subject: this patch removes the variable ..

Do you want to take this discussion to a bug thread? Simply email the exact same thing to bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org

Kaushal Modi