I did some more testing. I cannot set the 24-bit colors working on xterm directly. But I sort of got it working in xterm via tmux configured for 24-bit colors[1] after setting TERM to "xterm-24bits" (but it didn't work at all when setting to "xterm-24bit" -- bit vs bits). It's "sort of" because emacsclient -nw starts off with 24-bit colors, but then after scrolling, I see color artifacts. This gifv shows that: http://i.imgur.com/YW8MZat.gifv [1]: https://sunaku.github.io/tmux-24bit-color.html On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 1:22 AM Tino Calancha wrote: > > > On Sun, 19 Feb 2017, Kaushal Modi wrote: > > > OK, that was uxterm. > > But then I opened up xterm, set the env vars correctly. > > > > Things were better (not black and white), but it was still only 256 > colors, not 24bit: > Mine shows clear distinction on 'floralwhite' and 'oldlace' colors; in > your picture they looks pretty the same. > > I assume you already have done a full bootstrap just in case. > I did not do a full bootstrap. But it still seems to work in uxterm in tmux configured for 24-bits. But it doesn't work directly in an xterm terminal. What debug information can I provide from the direct xterm session or xterm+tmux session? Thanks. -- Kaushal Modi