2017-11-23 0:06 GMT+01:00 Phillip Lord <phillip.lord@russet.org.uk>:
Fabrice Popineau <fabrice.popineau@centralesupelec.fr> writes:

> 2017-11-20 18:31 GMT+01:00 Eli Zaretskii <eliz-mXXj517/zsQ@public.gmane.org>:
>> But in general, your point is valid: various optional libraries need
>> support
>> files to work properly.
> Given the numerous dependencies, and as long as msys2/mingw64 is
> concerned, it is so much easier to install msys2 and then request
> emacs from pacman than to package a standalone emacs. Lots of elisp
> packages may require other mingw64 packages : a spell checker, git,
> etc.  It is easy to install them with pacman. The user will have a
> much harder time with a standalone emacs. If you want a full emacs
> experience, you need a full unix-like environment.

The new "with-deps" build and installer of Emacs actually packages quite
a bit of msys2/mingw64 including, for example, a python

This is precisely the kind of drifting I hate.
When on Windows I don't want to use the msys2 python because it doesn't play so well.
I vastly prefer Anaconda (On GNU/Linux too btw)
If you start to package Python with emacs, you'll end up packaging the whole MSys2.
At least that should be made optional.

One nasty thing about DLLs. Anaconda ships with libpng.dll and others which are 
dynamically loaded by emacs. Reason why in my own copy of Emacs, I have restricted
the path where dlls are looked for to the emacs binary directory.
