> > ABLOCKS_BUSY is sometimes a pointer and sometimes an integer > (converted to a pointer). At the point when this code is executed: > > So it is even worse than what I thought. > I'm not saying the code can't be cleaned up -- it's pretty > messy and this one line is just one corner of the mess. But > any cleanup can and should be done independently of the Windows 64 > port, and should be systematic rather than just fiddling > Ok. But in my defence, you may forget that I started from a point where emacs didn't compile, and when it compiled at least, it din't run. In this case, the obvious strategy is to remove all the compilation warnings, at least those related to int/long/pointers datatypes. And guess what ... once I did that, it worked. Ok, it is not enough, but I spent already quite a time on it, I didn't see myself testing the many combinations of what was actually needed and what was optional. Now, my patch may easily be split in as many parts as needed, and some of them definitely omitted. I never expected that it could be taken "as is". I only targeted a clean compile on my platform, and since I won't be able to test if it is harmless to other platforms, I'll let those who know judge what is acceptable and what needs to be rewritten. I can only easily report if it still compiles and run on the MS platform with their tools. Best regards, with this one line and making this line inconsistent with > the (ab)use of ABLOCKS_BUSY in the rest of the module. > > My compilation was an optimized one, not that this matters > much. > -- Fabrice Popineau ----------------------------- SUPELEC Département Informatique 3, rue Joliot Curie 91192 Gif/Yvette Cedex Tel direct : +33 (0) 169851950 Standard : +33 (0) 169851212 ------------------------------