YAML is a data serialization format. Like JSON. As a user of ELPA's yaml-mode, I was surprised too it isn't coherent with lisp-data-mode, js-json-mode, json-ts-mode who all inherit from prog-mode. And I had to disable the input method I usually enable in text mode buffers, re-enable flymake and my shortcut for flymake-show-diagnostics-buffer... Since yaml-ts-mode is new it'd be a good thing to be coherent. But thinking twice is there any concrete gains of inheriting from prog-mode rather than text-mode for the end-user? Don't we already face that dilemna with nxml since XML is used to serialize data? Le mar. 28 févr. 2023 à 15:14, Romanos Skiadas a écrit : > Hello, > > I was using yaml-ts-mode in Emacs 30, and to my surprise I found it > inherits from text-mode. > > Now, a case can be made for that for sure. The existing rather widely used > mode uses text-mode, although that seems like an arbitrary decision by a > single maintainer: > https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode/issues/17 > https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode/issues/27 > https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode/issues/52 > https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode/pull/85 > > (I'm not sure Emacs maintainers are beholden to a decision made some jumps > away and whether this is a strong enough argument to keep yaml-ts-mode as > is.) > > However, and here is where things kind of break down a bit: I would > personally argue that YAML has a code feel to it, what with all the bash > scripts that end up in it. Personally, I feel that YAML is more of a prog > language than JSON (whatever that means), and according to the spec it is a > superset of JSON. In fact, the JSON mode shipped with Emacs inherits from > prog-mode! > > So, what do people think? Should yaml-ts-mode be changed? > > Best, > rski > > > > -- Matthias