Hello, (This is my first post. Please correct me if I missed anything. =) ) Currently, the built-in time parsing functions only allow us to parse timestrings with respect to some given formats (ISO-8601, RFC-822) [1]. I have a parsing function that allows users to parse with customized formats which are easy to write. The end result is: ``` emacs-lisp (my/parse-time "20200718-201504" '((:year 4) (:month 2) (:day 2) "-" (:hour 2) (:minute 2) (:second 2)));; => ((:second . 4) (:minute . 15) (:hour . 20);; (:day . 18) (:month . 7) (:year . 2020)) ``` One can even parse org timestamps easily with the format ``` emacs-lisp '("[" (:year 4) "-" (:month 2) "-" (:day 2) "]") ``` The code is ~25 lines long, which is easily extendable (see below). I wonder if there's any interest to add this into emacs. I can write tests and benchmarks to make sure that it doesn't change the user space. ``` emacs-lisp ;;; Actual code (defun my/parse-time (str format) "Parse time string with customized format, and return an alist.A format is a list of directives. A directive is either a stringor a list (A B), where A is a keyword, and B is an integer." (flet ((parse-step (directive str) (if (atom directive) (if (string-match (format "^%s" directive) str) (list (substring str (length directive))) (error "Parsing failure~ directive: %s; str: %s." directive str)) (let* ((key (car directive)) (int (car (cdr directive))) (to-parse (substring str 0 int)) ;; TODO For natural lang, replace ;; parse-integer by any customized ;; transformers. (value (cl-parse-integer to-parse))) (list (substring str int) key value))))) (let (result) (while (not (equal str "")) (let* ((return (parse-step (pop format) str)) (new-str (car return)) (key (car (cdr return))) (value (car (cddr return)))) (setf str new-str) (when key (setf (alist-get key result) value)))) ``` [1] https://github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs/blob/master/lisp/calendar/parse-time.el