If you need to pad space with variable pitch font, and you are unable to use ':align-to display' option for any reason, you can use the following code. This uses unicode spacing characters to insert required amount of space. *Screenshot:* https://lifeofpenguin.blogspot.com/2021/06/gnu-emacs.html (defun company--insert-space (width w) "Insert unicode space characters to fit the WIDTH." (let ((num 0)) (dolist (spc '((#x2001 . 1) (#x2000 . 0.5) (#x2004 . 0.33) (#x2005 . 0.25) (#x2006 . 0.16) (#x200A . 0.125))) (setq num (floor (/ width w (cdr spc)))) (if (memq (car spc) '(#x2001 #x2000 #x2004 #x2005)) ;; Allow finer spaces towards the end for better accuracy (setq num (1- num))) (when (> num 0) (dotimes (i num) (insert (car spc))) (setq width (- width (* num w (cdr spc)))) ))))