Thanks for the encouragement and feedback, Bozhidar.

I'm not married to the names.  I noticed that terms for focus gain/loss seem to vary between platforms, so I used the event names used elsewhere in the Emacs source.

Perhaps "focus-gain-hook" and "focus-loss-hook" would be more intuitive?


On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Bozhidar Batsov <> wrote:
I welcome your idea! In fact I've been thinking for quite some time we needed something like this. I don't like the names of the hooks, however, since they don't seem particularly standard - usually the terminology used with focus is "focus gained" and "focus lost" (or "on focus" and "on lose focus").

On 17 November 2013 19:50, Brian Jenkins <> wrote:

I'd like to contribute the attached patch, which adds hooks into gain and
loss of focus events.

This allows saving all buffers on loss of focus.  (Alt-tabbing between
an editor and browser is a popular workflow for web programmers.)

It also allows reversion of buffers on regain of focus, convenient if
one is switching between Emacs and another editor.

People will probably find other handy uses for these hooks.

Brian Jenkins