I finished a rough proof-of-concept for abstract commands on top of command remapping.  I used a macro to generate a mass rebind expression.  I can still use C-n and C-p.  I can rebind the abstract commands and all of the other commands follow.  If I add bindings to #'abstract-next to C-; for example, all of the re-mapped commands are available on that sequence and shadow appropriately.

Pretty print the macro at the bottom of the user-keys-abstract package see a mass rebranding expression:

The tests also demonstrate the outputs, but are less realistic.

I am currently using Emacs with all of the mentioned keys rebound by the macro call.  The first example of growing pains I found is that Ivy actually already uses a remap to next-line.  Since it wasn't a built-in Emacs map, I didn't include it in my example macro.  I would have to work on the macro and expression generation to handle remap detection when performing a move, but this is more a matter of plumbing than complexity.

I was able to use my reporting functionality from the user-keys package to identify maps to start working on.  The commented expressions in the macro caused errors (binding in the widget-global-map affects the global-map?) or strange behavior I don't want to invest time in before validating the use cases.

What I would recommend for Emacs is to implement a first-class named-key that doesn't have the implementation limitations of the remap only going through one layer.  I would be able to focus on making user-keys into a better diagnosis and generation tool if I avoid going too deep on top of the remap-based implementation, which has the one-indirection depth limitation.

I'll publish the package pretty soon with some small coherence improvements.  While looking at emulation maps, I realized some of them won't have symbols for example, so I need to figure out a way to represent the idea to the user.  I've worked a bit on generating mass unbinds by refactoring the reporting logic and it generally looks like there won't be difficulty.

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 4:05 AM Ihor Radchenko <yantar92@posteo.net> wrote:
Psionic K <psionik@positron.solutions> writes:

> https://github.com/positron-solutions/user-keys/blob/master/lisp/user-keys.el#L142-L147


Another idea: some key bindings are risky when using Emacs from
terminals. For example, bindings like M-<RET> often do not work in
terminals. It would be nice to provide some hints about which keys may
not work in terminals, at least approximately (doing this precisely
depends on terminal being used and is generally not easy).

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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