> > But you still haven't addressed the real problem, which is that > > when Emacs inserts `package-initialize' into the init-file, it > > usually does so incorrectly. > > I have addressed this before - "in case you a)don't use package.el > and b)don't use any other package manager and c)don't suppress the > proposed message manually, it's pretty safe to assume that you don't > have much of init anyway and you're our intended target". So in other words, your solution still does the wrong thing, it's just that this fact is unlikely to cause real trouble? I still think we should be aiming for a solution which always does the right thing. In any case, as Eli has pointed out, adding flashy interactive messages should be avoided except as a last resort. Adding ~/.emacs.d/.package-initialize.el is not intrusive, and most users need not know the file even exists. Adding a popup dialog that happens to every user at least once is highly intrusive. > P. S. I think that instead of using the phrase "second init-file" > you should use "separate package.el config". I shall. In fact, I am very much a fan of Eli's suggestion: a ~/.emacs.d/.package-initialize.el file, to be read by package-initialize before it does anything else In any case, the point is that this solution has NO PRACTICAL DISADVANTAGES. Whereas every other solution has the potential to annoy the user in some situation. In that light, it seems to make most sense to choose the package-initialize.el solution.