Hi Kenichi,

I think the current input methods are fine, 
I just want to add additional methods for bengali. 

I want to start with Context Free one. Thanks for the hint. 
I am going to look around the quali-define-* functions. 

Mahmudul Hasan

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 6:38 PM, Kenichi Handa <handa@m17n.org> wrote:
In article <CADAHBw1xsB26bHPaDH-L07wP7i4VQu2WkQ42CpqYJQNvKy5HaA@mail.gmail.com>, Mahmudul Hasan <cs.mahmud@gmail.com> writes:

> Is there any way I can add a new input method for Bengali in Emacs ?

> There are two input methods right now,
> 1. bengali-inscript,
> 2. bengali-itrans.

> I would like to add another input method which will be like
> bengali-inscript, with fixed, or touch
> typing based keyboard layout.

Do you mean that the current bengali-inscript is incorrect
and thus it should be "fixed"?  Or, you just want the
different behavior?

> Is it possible to add a layout like "Probhat" or "Bijoy" ? (reference:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengali_input_methods ,
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:KB-Bengali-Probhat.svg ).

> I will appreciate if someone can tell me whether implementing one of these
> fixed keyboard layout can be done with minimal effort.

If those input methods are context free (i.e. the same key
(sequnece) always produces the same character(s)), making
a new input method is easy.

(quail-define-package "Probhat" "Bengali" TITLE t DOC-STRING
                     nil t t t t nil nil nil nil nil t)

;; See the docstrings of quail-define-package and
;; quail-define-rules.

But, if an input method is not context free (e.g. the key
"a" produces different charaters depending on what you have
already typed), you need some Emacs Lisp programming skill.

Kenichi Handa