On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 3:55 PM Michael Albinus wrote: > Daniel Pittman writes: > > > I don't have a patch, but I'll see if I can figure out how to improve > > this. I fear the situation is impossible, however, and that this > > attempt to improve the performance of `vc-registered` is doomed to > > failure unless an async protocol is defined to replace the current, > > synchronous, version. > > Thanks for the very thourogh report, much appreciated! I will check in > parallel to you what could be done. > No problem. > There exists a branch in the git repo, "feature/tramp-thread-safe". This > could solve the issue, if "async", as you've said, means Emacs > threads. Tramp uses mutexes, which should protect its > asynchrosity. However, the work on this branch is stalled due to serious > problems I'm not able to solve myself. > > If you mean something else with "async", then we need even another > approach. Sorry, this response turned out long. I'm afraid I haven't the time to condense further, but a summary: threads are not necessary, I believe, and so we should disable this optimization for now, then bring it back if it is provably safe. The long form with analysis and so forth: I believe that threads are not necessary: Emacs can dispatch, for example, any timer, network connection, or external process, callback when it enters the main wait loop. Since tramp is going there while it awaits feedback from the remote system (as far as I understand both modern tramp, and the event loop) then it can enter essentially arbitrary code. So, if it blocked any other file operations that'd be a deadlock if the code – for example, the buffer and network connection for `(url-retrieve " http://example.com" (lambda (&rest uh-oh) ...))` could call into anything, which in the case of, eg, the package.el system fetching an update to the package list, anticipates being able to write the file locally. I'm confident it was possible to have arbitrary callbacks like that trigger while tramp was awaiting remote data a decade or so ago, when I was last working on it. I presume, but can't be certain, that this remains true today, so most of my concrete analysis comes with "I believe, but could be wrong" attached. It doesn't seem to have changed, though. My best guess is that we should disable that optimization for now, and if desirable, reapproach it. One possibly functional strategy, but that I have not considered all possible angles of, might be to fetch the path and then if `(not (tramp-file-name-p ...))` dispatch to the original file name handlers. I think that would absolutely work as long as none of those callbacks interacted with a tramp path at all, and it .... might, but probably wouldn't, if they did. Historically, I attached a tramp operation to copy the generated server(-start) key to a remote tramp path, since I used a TCP listener, ssh forwarding, and that shared secret to allow remote emacsclient to work. That could have triggered at any point after tramp reconnected, as it advised a fairly low level tramp function. I'm not sure how common (or cared about) that sort of nastly hack is, but I'm not confident that more legitimate ways to do the same could be in use in the wild.