An extremely late response, I'm sorry, but: I think you are asking the wrong question here. Instead of asking "would people be interested in the protocol", ask "would people be interested in *what can be done because Emacs supports* the protocol". Beyond that, it might be a fun hack to add, but brings no real value; the benefits come from the capabilities it brings. (I also agree with 2017 RMS on the correct location for it.) On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 7:07 PM Eric Lindblad wrote: > Do you think GNU Emacs users would be interested in using 9P protocol from > within the editor, implying an Emacs Lisp 9P Client/Server might be > authored? > > > > The 9p.scm (client) hyperlink in the above URL is dead, and it has a new > home at the below URL. > > > > Maybe other GNU Emacs users have another opinion to that of R. Stallman's > (circa 2017) response which is reproduced below. > > "It makes no sense to put this feature into Emacs, which is the wrong > place for it. The right place for it is in the kernel (Linux or the Hurd), > so that all the application programs will be able to use it." >