> > > Start with emacs.exe alone, and then add *.elc files according to > > error messages you get. You will need lisp/term/w32-win.el at least, > > but other than that, I don't know. > > I see you'd also need simple.elc (because we look for it at startup), > and with Emacs before 27 also mule-util.elc. Emacs will probably > complain about a missing libexec directory, so create it. > Thanks! Got it to work. Here seems to be the bare minimum structure needed for Emacs 26.3 on Windows 10: ./bin ./bin/emacs.exe ./libexec ./libexec/emacs ./libexec/emacs/26.3 ./libexec/emacs/26.3/x86_64-w64-mingw32 ./share ./share/emacs ./share/emacs/26.3 ./share/emacs/26.3/etc ./share/emacs/26.3/etc/charsets ./share/emacs/26.3/etc/charsets/8859-10.map ... a lot of map files goes here .. ./share/emacs/26.3/lisp ./share/emacs/26.3/lisp/simple.el ./share/emacs/26.3/lisp/term ./share/emacs/26.3/lisp/term/w32-win.el I could then successfully do this (from cmd.exe, a similar command also worked from Git Bash) C:\...> bin\emacs.exe --batch -Q --eval "(princ """This is cool!""")" This is cool! C:\...> I might write up something more detailed on EmacsWiki later. It took a bit of trial and error to get it to work and the error messages are only partly helpful (they mention looking in c:\emacs, a folder that does not exist, and which is not needed). One thing that I noticed is the HUGE difference in size of the exe file between Emacs 24 and later versions. I listed the sizes of the folder when I keep my different Emacs versions: 8.8M ./emacs-24.5-official/bin/emacs.exe 91M ./emacs-25.1-2-x86_64-w64-mingw32_2016_11_16/bin/emacs.exe 119M ./emacs-26.1-x86_64/bin/emacs.exe 120M ./emacs-26.2-x86_64/bin/emacs.exe 130M ./emacs-26.3-x86_64/bin/emacs.exe 16M ./emacs-bin-w64-24.4/emacs/bin/emacs.exe 121M ./emax64-bin-20180529/emax64/bin/emacs.exe 119M ./old/emacs-26.1/bin/emacs.exe Now, I can probably use an old version for the mentioned scenarios (using Emacs as a kind of scripting engine), but I am curious about the jump in sizes. I assume that later versions include something that was earlier "outside", in separate files, is that right? If I wanted to, could I reduce the size by building Emacs myself? Is this in some way related to "dumping Emacs"? /Mathias